Hokuriku Road Trip

Yesterday I returned home after a 3-day weekend roadtrip. Initially I was really excited about the idea but then it turned to paranoia and then straight up violent rejection of the idea of hanging out with a group of people for an extended period of time.

I'm a person who definitely enjoys being around other people but I'm also a person who really loves and respectst their alone time. So the fact that I was going to be stuck with 6 other people with no ME time was a rough concept to wrap my head around. It would be the longest time I've been with other people consecutively for 3 days outside of my siblings. I had tons of anxiety but it turned out to be really pleasant. I'm glad I didn't cancel. I got to add 2 additional prefectures to the list of prefectures I've visited in Japan and also got a lot of awesome pictures.

Fall is my favorite season but fall is even more gorgeous and magical in the fall. The sights are just breathtaking.

My trip wasn't all sunshine and rainbows though. The weather turned out to be awful one of the days. Of all the days to rain it would rain on the day we were hiking around Kurobe Dam. But you have to learn to make lemonade out of lemons. The weather was absolutely awful, I was cold and wet with soggy shoes and not enough layers of clothes. However,  since it was so awful I've learned if I could endure that day and that shitty weather I can endure any type of discomfort. Since then I've felt truly invincible.


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