
I'm off on my journey! It's my first time traveling alone and just being by myself.

I'm nervous and I welcome the challenge. Especially since my boyfriend has been spoiling me and not making me lift a finger. He literally brought me food in bed. This is why I joke and say he made me fat lol.

My best bud Eddie is driving me to the airport ^^ He is an asshole but I love him! He takes care of me at school and allows me to crash at his place when I'm tired after work. He even makes me breakfast sometimes. I love him and his family! They are amazing and always look out for me. Except for his sister... She hates me because I told her they she shares the same forehead as her brother lol but that's fine xD... Sometimes I wonder what my life would be like if I belonged to their family... Probably not much different tbh... But I'd know I'd pick up some levels on my savage gauge...because they don't play lol... Oh crap I'm getting distracted ...

So Eddie drops me off and he knows I'm trash so he is concerned about me getting lost or forgetting something so he literally waits for me to gather my things and walk into the airport before leaving. It was cute :) Especially since he acts like he doesn't care about anything xD

I drop off my big bag and then proceed to security and get scanned and all that good ish. It's like 6 am and my flight doesn't leave till 8 but I showed up super early because my boyfriend's mom said I should show up early since security is cracking down on people and there will be long lines. However, I get through everything in less than 30min lol and end up waiting for almost two hours for my flight lol but better to be safe than sorry lol.


My flight is through Air Canada... But the flight was on a United plane, which I usually despise. However, this time the flight was decent and the crew was nice. I give it a 3/5.

Space: 2/5 (I'm 6ft and chubby, there was much leg room and you a bit too close to the person you're sitting next too)

Food: 3/5 They gave you one snack through the flight. It was basic.

Service: 4/5 flight attendants were nice and came around frequently

If you are concerned about United/Air Canada's carry size ..don't. If your carry on is too big they will offer a complimentary bag valet service thing and give you your luggage back when you arrive at your destination right when you get off the plane because my carry on was definitely too big lol.

I had a 3 hour layover in Canada so that's where I got off. My checked luggage was automatically transported to my flight to Tokyo so I didn't have to go through have to pick it up and check it in again. Thank goodness.

***Oh yeah please note that even if your are just transferring at the airport and not leaving out, you still have to fill out a customs form.**

I was lazy and didn't feel like walking around but it's awesome because the Pearson airport in Toronto has an awesome wait area... It's basically a lounge. There are tons of charge stations and they have iPads set up where you can get online and order food from. So I set my ass down there and order a chicken parmasean sandwich with a glass of apple juice. The service was great. A tad pricey but it's what you would expect at an airport. Pearson airport has the most bomb wifi btw!


My flight to Japan was on Air Canada.

Space: 4/5 I had more leg room but still not enough in my opinion. However I was actually able to use my tray which was a bonus.

Food: 4/5  Since this is a long flight you get two meals and a snack. They were good. I had beef and rice with fruits and a brownie. Then my second meals was an omelet with fruits. Can't remember what the snack was.


Entertainment 4/5 I loved the variety. You had a screen right in front of you. You could listen to music, play games, watch movies, and more. The only reason it didn't get a five was because the sound varied depending on the activity and there wasn't a lot of variety when it came to some movies.

Service: 4/5

When I arrived in Japan, Haneda airport had crappy wifi. However, once you get your bags checked and get to the departure area it works a little better.


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