
So I quit my job last week. It was something I never expected to do. This is because I'm a control freak and I'm so used to being independent financially. I don't like to depend on others. However, I was drowning. I was so depressed and unhappy that it took  a physical and emotional toll on me.

I hated my job.

I worked there for 7 years. When I first became employed in hell (that's what I'll call it from now on) in 2009, it was a decent place. My supervisor was very kind, though a slightly on the over religious side. However, I loved her nonetheless. She was kind and rarely let her outside beliefs affect the work atmosphere. My coworkers were nice as well and were always looking out for me because I was the youngest. The first four years were great. It seemed like your typical job. It was stressful at times but you got through it and it didn't really affect your life outside of work.

Fast forward a couple years later, the kind people from upper management have quit and the prejudiced white people who are already there hire more prejudiced white people and they go on to make my life and the lives of my minority coworkers hell. Harassing us, lying on us, giving us crappy schedules, finding just any way to annoy us and make us want to quit. They were successful, some folks left. For those of us who stayed we would always have to perform our jobs perfectly or prepare for crazy  emails when we returned, bad reviews, and more harassment. We never even received decent raises. They literally nickled and dimed us. After working there 7 years I only got a raise of $1.25 total.

However, despite everything I stayed. I was a student. The hours I worked allowed me to attend classes and since there wasn't much people present during my shift I could get homework done. It was also a stable job.  Though the pay wasn't great it was hell of a lot better than minimum wage. The benefits were decent as well. My friends, family, and significant other even kept persuading me to stay and made me believe that my experiences at work were all in my head and that I just needed to hang on and try to be positive. However, that was not the case. They stress I endured at work was not in my head. My peers had no idea what I was going through ... So after years of struggling and dealing with the negativity I decided to call it quits.  In a sense I'm grateful. If there wasn't so much negativity I probably would have stayed would have never fulfilled my dream of traveling the world.

It's unfortunate that I had to endure discrimination and harassment to the point where I broke down, but I don't regret it. These experiences have helped shape me and helped me find a community of people who became my good friends. They supported me in my lowest times and if it wasn't for them I wouldn't be here. I am truly thankful for the people in my life who may not always understand me but continue to hold me up and support me. Ya'll the real MVP!


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