Reminiscing in Kamakura

Today was awesome! I went to Kamakura with my friend Sienna :) I haven't seen her in person in like 10 years! It's crazy how time flies by. I never realized she lived so close to me in the States. Lol it's crazy that we literally live in the same state yet we haven't seen each other in so long. I guess we were both busy getting our lives together. In that time we both grew up and we're both Aunts now to both a beautiful girl and a beautiful boy.

I remember that we both met because we liked anime and I thought she was so cool for getting to go to Japan. I still have the keychain she bought me from Japan of hello kitty in a hot tub lol. I'm so strangely sentimental xD I also remember how my mom thought we had a strange lesbian relationship going on lol. Maybe that's why I haven't seen her because I got tired of my mom thinking all this crazy stuff about her. My mom has always been weirdly overprotective about the most random shit I swear. 😂 I remember I had to sneak out and see her and we went out for a movie lol. Never told my mom of course.

Well back to yesterday!!

I got lost again on my way to meet Sienna and she ended up waiting an additional 30-40minutes for me because I'm a failure and a pro at getting lost. Thank good the people here are so nice lol. When I was on the wrong train I asked this couple siting next to me if I was going in the wrong direction. We laughed about it and then another nice lady randomly spoke to me and guided me to the right train. She was so sweet and literally held me by the hand and took me to the right platform lol. She was really pretty reminded me of Nana  (the cool one) from the anime Nana minus all the dark makeup. I think she might have been a muscian or an athlete she was carry something quite large with her... I'm thinking a musician lol. Maybe that's why she really reminded me of Nana.

So I got on the train and made it to Sienna. I almost had a panic attack when I got there though because Sienna told me there was only one exit and I'm thinking one exit at the station period but she meant one exit to get to Kamakura lol. I realized the a little later on but at least it worked out lol.

We walked around ... A lot. We visited two temples, three if you count the tiny one that we randomly found. They cute old lady at the shrine let us in for free :) it just have statues of different Gods in there and a small garden.

We later found ourselves at Kenchoji. I really like it there it was beautiful! I got to take silly pictures with Sienna and I got gorgeous pictures of the surroundings. I even took random videos. I dunno if they were any good but I'll check them out later :P

Afterwards we were searching for a place to eat and ended up choosing to go to this Chinese/Japanese restaurant. Almost everything was served with white bait on it. I had no clue what it was but assumed it was a type of fish. I had absolutely no real interest in trying it. However, when I ordered my curry I didn't realize that the white bait came in that too. It freaked me out at first because I hate eating things with eyes or things that look alive... But it wasn't so bad. It actually had no real taste. I think people might just like it for the texture. Overall my meal was delicious. My friend got a chicken set. The chicken was good! I should have got that set up tbh...

After lunch we got dessert! It was so good! We opted for parfaits :D I freaking love them! One of the best desserts/snacks in Japan!! I want MORE!!!


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