
On my first  real day in Yokohama I was finally going to meet up with my friend Nicole. She has been away in Tokyo for almost a year because she is studying abroad. I've missed her dearly. She was the first friend I made after starting to attend the University of Maryland.

I'm not typically very social but she started talking to me from day one. I really appreciated that since I was nervous about transferring to a University from a community college and didn't really know what to expect. She helped me adjust and I was lucky to take all my Japanese classes with her. Having class with her was always fun ^^ 

Now we would finally be reunited!!! We decided to check out the ramen museum in Yokohama. She was nice enough to meet me at my station since I had no phone or anyway of contact her after I left the house. From there we went to Shin-Yokohama station. It only cost around 300yen to get there. Which is less than $3. 

Once we arrived we had no clue when the ramen museum was because we are failures so we had to use maps. Unfortuatly both of us suck at reading maps so we got lost lol. We wandered around randomly checking maps to see if we got closer to our destination. However, we ended up getting further from it and had to turn back. We eventually made it to the museum. We could have made it quicker if we stopped being stubborn and asked for help but were hardheaded and got fun getting lost anyway. 

The ramen museum was legit. This is because you could try all the ramen they was in the museum. The museum was pretty much a huge collection of ramen shops. Which I didn't mind... I love hands on learning xD I tried two different kinds. I wish I asked for the names because they were delicious! I never knew ramen could be served in so many different ways! They also had a cute little magic show going on while we were there. It was random but cute.


After leaving the museum we stopped at a cafe for dessert. We both go sets which were like 800 yen, she got a chocolate cake and I got a strawberry tart. Along with this we both got iced coffee with our sets. They sets were pretty tiny but cute and delicious ^^ 


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